Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 6 - 13 Tagging/ Del.icio.us

Del.icio.us seem to be the website to use if you have an abundance of bookmarks. The fact that you can categorize them makes it very useful. Also it is fun “getting into other people’s heads”. As with all the other websites you need to spend some time to be able to use it properly. What I found really interesting going to Del.icio.us/ihcpl / was how world wide the tagged websites listed are. Library Thing’s comments by bloggers were mostly in English, in Technorati’s comments you find more non-english blogs, but when you go to colrpickr or picnik the comments are from all over the world.
Del.icio.us is a very important tool for the reference librarian, also it is great for anyone, specially if you are traveling since it can be accessed anywhere as long as you have internet access.
Signing up with Del.icio.us was a breeze, making it work will be more of a challenge.

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