Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 6 - 15 Library 2.0

Do we dare to dream of obtaining “Library 4.0”, the neo-library?
To have a library where you can exercise your mind, acquire knowledge, feast your eyes, meditate and relax?
A comfortable place, a retreat, with ever the hint a soothing smell, ever so subtle music, good light, and yes, coffee and maybe some chocolates. What a beautiful dream!

The heart of the matter is that with our ever changing world, the library needs to evolve to meet the varying needs of our customers or like a dinosaur go gently into the night

Week 6 - 14 Getting-not-so-technical with Technorati


Well I did have fun this time! Searching Technorati in advanced search it gives a choice of level of authority plus language. It can search for “ blogs”, “about blogs” or “this blog URL”. After the search is completed the results can be viewed as Posts, Blogs, Videos and Photos.
Pretty neat!
With the keyword “gardening” it displays posts (where to buy gardening related items) blogs (thoughts about gardening/advice) videos about gardening and pictures of gardens.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 6 - 13 Tagging/ seem to be the website to use if you have an abundance of bookmarks. The fact that you can categorize them makes it very useful. Also it is fun “getting into other people’s heads”. As with all the other websites you need to spend some time to be able to use it properly. What I found really interesting going to / was how world wide the tagged websites listed are. Library Thing’s comments by bloggers were mostly in English, in Technorati’s comments you find more non-english blogs, but when you go to colrpickr or picnik the comments are from all over the world. is a very important tool for the reference librarian, also it is great for anyone, specially if you are traveling since it can be accessed anywhere as long as you have internet access.
Signing up with was a breeze, making it work will be more of a challenge.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 - 12 LibraryElf

This was a super simple exercise. I can see its use, on the other hand it seems like a duplication of what Horizon does right now. The improvement over Horizon notifications is the fact that you can customize Elf to fit your needs (when and how to notify you of items on hold/overdue/etc). Now the challenge is to remember all my user names and passwords.
PS After playing a little more on this site I found out it is really terrific for keeping track of your library account!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5 - # 11 LibraryThing

The library Thing is a wonderful website. It is very easy to create an account. I think I am going to have a lot of fun with it. Keep track of what I have read and enjoyed, and create a wish list for future reading.
In you can search for music, book, films and even food. I need to find out how to look for just a song, it only gave album titles.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5 - #10 Generators

I love customizing comic strips. I can see a lot of uses for this site. FDToys seems like fun also, I am just running out of time today. I got a great wallpaper from Image generators, also liked glittering the writing but have not found the way to incorporate it to my blog. I managed to meet myself in Meez (below). It was really like playing with paper dolls. I need to further check this out.

Week 5 - #10 Customizing comics

This a real easy site.

Originally uploaded by<>

Week 5 - 1 Meez

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 4 post 2, Feedster, Topix, Technorati

I enjoyed Feedster searching capabilities. I found that most of the results were sales advertisements for your search keyword. Feedwidgets seem to be intriguing way to add feeds to your newsfeeder.

In Topix you can get news from just about anywhere, just plug in the name of the town/state. You can even find news on a foreign country by plugging the name of the country in the search engine.

Syndic8 must be very useful but I found it kind of boring. Now Technorati was a very fun site, with a multitude of very colorful choices for searching blogs.

I did find that the same news appeared in different sites.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4 "Blogline"

Originally uploaded by myseabreaze
I got lost again trying to create an account an account with Bloglines , but by golly I was able to subscribe to news not only from the U SA but also from Europe! Plus it was quite a nice surprise when reading the newspaper this morning I found that I had already read some of the articles yesterday!